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Worthwhile Investment: The Importance of Writing in Real Estate
By Megan Collins, Writing Symphony Teacher
“Peaceful. Minimalistic. Rejuvenating.”
While my husband and I were at lunch with our friends, who are real estate agents, these were the three adjectives that immediately came to mind when they asked how I envision my dream home. I closed my eyes and pictured a cozy villa nestled in a blanket of tropical greenery. I could feel the gentle sea breeze on my skin as it danced throughout the open living spaces. Trust me, I was born ready to answer this question.
Since that conversation, I have spent ample time sifting through a multitude of listings across different websites. I originally thought thoughtfully composed pictures would be enough to lure in a buyer. We have all heard the phrase about pictures being worth a thousand words, right? However, during my search, I soon realized that pictures were not enough. I wanted to read descriptions that made me feel as though I was standing in the space as I looked at the pictures. As I read more listings, it became clear to me that writing is the most integral part of business in real estate for several reasons:
1. Well-written property descriptions attract potential buyers.
2. Buyers rely on writing to determine a company’s level of professionalism.
3. Proofreading ensures that all aspects of a contract are correct.
Each of these is critical to real estate agents as they must sell homes to meet their income needs. How does each play this critical role? Why are they so important? This article will explore each of these reasons. As you read this article, think about your career (or potential career). How do writing skills apply?
Reason #1: Well-written property descriptions attract potential buyers.
The primary objective of a property description is to highlight the main features in a residential area and convince the potential buyer that the property is worth investing in. Varying the structure of sentences and choosing interesting descriptive words, real estate agents aim to engage the buyer’s mind. Selecting descriptive adjectives allows readers to vividly imagine themselves as homeowners.
Compare the following descriptions:
A) The living room has a good view.
B) Upon entering the contemporary living room, all are greeted with breath-taking views of a bustling marina, which harbors the world’s most exquisite yachts.
Which living room would most buyers be more interested in seeing in person? Why? Without a doubt, buyers would be more attracted to the latter based on the description itself. Although “good” is descriptive, it is not capable of activating the emotions of potential buyers as adjectives like “contemporary,” “breath-taking,” “bustling,” and “exquisite” can.
Reason #2: Buyers rely on writing to determine a company’s level of professionalism.
Imagine an intrigued buyer navigating the website of a distinguished real estate agency. When opening the “Welcome” page, the buyer is greeted with a photograph of a polished businessman who appears to be the CEO. Pleased, she proceeds to read the welcome letter and immediately comes across a misspelled word.
“How reputable could a company be if its own CEO can’t spell properly?” she questions.
She then closes the web browser and continues her search for a quality, professional realtor.
This is exactly how I approach gauging the legitimacy of any company. Many professionals believe that the first time they meet their customer is in person; however, most customers have already investigated a company online and assessed the professionalism, caliber of work, and quality of the customer experience through the writing they allow to represent the company on their websites.
Reason #3: Proofreading ensures that all aspects of a contract are correct.
In real estate, thousands, and even millions of dollars, are at stake, so proofreading is an invaluable skill. Effectively proofreading requires foundational grammatical knowledge, excellent spelling, painstaking attention to detail, and patience. In these instances, writers cannot solely rely on spell check or grammar applications to assist them. Imagine reading a description with grammatical and spelling errors. How would a potential buyer know if they are investigating a foyer (entry area) or a fryer? A professional chef might be disappointed to find out the entry area is beautiful, but the kitchen does not have its own fryer.
Whether you are casually viewing real estate or on the edge of putting in an offer for your dream home, consider the message that is being communicated to you through the words you encounter. Use the information shared above to guide you on your journey because writing skills are not limited to authors. What other careers are directly impacted by writing skills? How will your writing skills impact your career? When you invest in writing, you invest in your future.
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