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Writing Symphony Homework
Homework assignments for each class will be available in Microsoft Teams. Parents and students can easily view, complete, and submit assignments directly through the platform.

Each module consists of four lessons. Homework is assigned for Lessons 1-3 and is due the week following the lesson. There is no assignment for Lesson 4, but students are encouraged to practice their OFFs and complete any unfinished homework.

Homework is divided into smaller sections, allowing students to practice time management by incorporating these daily writing exercises into their routine. We recommend 15 minutes of writing practice per day for the best results.

How to Access Homework on Teams

How to Turn in Homework on Teams

Microsoft Teams Login

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Writing Symphony Homework:

  • Source Texts: the original content created specifically for the grade level and Writing Symphony curriculum. These texts are provided alongside homework assignments to support students' learning and writing practice. They serve as the foundational material for completing exercises and developing writing skills throughout the course.

  • OFF (Outlined Focus of Facts): a structured writing exercise that helps students organize and focus on key facts related to a specific topic. The OFF encourages critical thinking by guiding students to outline the most relevant details, allowing them to present information clearly and logically in their writing.

  • Module Glossay: a list of key terms and their definitions relevant to the module. It provides students with essential vocabulary and concepts that will be used throughout the lessons